BCC-to-Freedom Feature Setup

Integration with Outlook has been deprecated.

What is BCC-to-Freedom?

BCC-to-Freedom allows you to send an email to anyone using the email client already installed on your devices (think Apple Mail app or something similar) then add your BCC-to-Freedom email address (e.g. example@examplecompany.com) in the BCC field. Then Freedom will connect with your BCC-to-Freedom email account and pull a copy of that message and attach it to the Contact Database record of the person you sent it to.


How does it work?

  1. Staff member sends an email to a contact, making sure to BCC the new email address (example@examplecompany.com).
  2. Accrisoft Freedom will monitor the example@examplecompany.com account for incoming BCC mail, checking every hour for new messages.
  3. If an imported message was sent to an email address that matches a record in the Contact Database, a new history item will be created on that record, containing the emailed content (text only).
  4. If an imported message was sent to an email not found in the Contact Database, it will be kept as an "orphan" where you can attach it manually or delete it.

Things to keep in mind:

  • For security reasons, Freedom only pulls emails sent from addresses with the same domain as your site.
  • Only simple text subject and body content is imported into the history item.
  • Any images or attachments included are stripped-out and will only be represented by their filename.
  • HTML markup (like links to webpages or special formatting of the text) will also be removed.
  • If more than one contact has the same email, Freedom will attach the email/history item to both/all contacts.
  • Please disable all firewall security software as this will likely cause issues with the imports.

How to set up with a Gmail account:

  1. If your organization already uses Gmail, work with your IT team to create a new email account. If your organization does not use Gmail, go to gmail.com and create a new free email account.
    • We recommend using the following the naming convention "accrisoft"+your organization's abbreviated name+"@gmail.com.
  2. Enable 2FA with a phone number
  3. (Optional) We strongly recommend replacing the password with an authentication app setup/seed code.
  4. Click on the user-circle in the upper right corner > Manage this Account. On the next page select to manage "Security", Scroll down and find "Less Secure App Access" and turn it on.
  5. Create app password for "other" type application
  6. Once the App Password has been created, please submit a support ticket to share this password with us so we can complete your setup.

Notice on Outlook integration [DEPRECATED]:

Unfortunately, integration with BCC-to-Freedom has been deprecated. Please follow the steps above to integrate with Gmail.


More Notes:

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us by going to support.accrisoft.com or emailing us at support@accrisoft.com.