How to create coupons in Commerce

Follow these steps to create a coupon in Freedom:

  1. Navigate to Finance > Commerce module
  2. Click on the Setup tab > Coupons subtab
    • Navigation Gif 
    • On this page, you will see a list of coupons that already exist on your site
  3. Click the +Coupon button to create a new coupon
  4. Coupon setup: 
    • Coupon Code: You can generate a random code that is set to a specific number of characters
    • Label: This label will be applied as a line item on orders where this coupon is applied
    • Active: Set the Active status based on if the coupon is available for to be used or not 
    • Minimum order total to apply coupon: If there is a minimum order amount for the coupon to be applied, you can set that here. Enter in the minimum order amount that must be met before a coupon can be applied to an order
    • Free Shipping for Order: If the checkbox is selected, it means that shipping charges will be removed from the order
  5. Discount section:
    • Here you will be able to customize the coupon by selecting whether the coupon is applied to a single item or to the total order. Additionally, you can set if the discount applied is based on the percentage of the total amount or if it should be a fixed dollar amount. 
  6. Expiration section:
    • Expiration Date is where you can set the expiration date for the coupon. After the date has arrived, the coupon will no longer be valid. 
    • The Limit to field allows you to limit the number of times that specific coupon can be used. Enter in the maximum amount of times this coupon can be claimed. If a coupon can be used by an unlimited amount of users, leave the field blank and unchecked.
  7. Don't forget to save your changes!

    Screen Recorded Walkthrough