RETS - short for Real Estate Transaction Standard - is a framework for data transfers between real estate systems. If you site pulls from a RETS feed, it likely uses the RETS module in the Website app.
We recommend submitting a Help Request before attempting to make any adjustments here.
How it works
The RETS feed can be configured in the RETS module > Servers tab, you site will likely only have one or two servers it pulls from (e.g. a FLEX system, Rapattoni system, or similar). This is where you will provide the URL and credentials for your RETS system.
Once the server is set up, the queries (i.e. "requests") can be written to the server in the RETS module > Queries tab. These will likely be written by the Accrisoft development team during your site's launch.
Once the queries are set up, the data points need to be "mapped" i.e. stored in containers Freedom can use. This happens in the RETS module > Mapping tab.
Mapping Tab
In the items in this tab you will see the Run Time field where you can set automations for the data to be pulled. We recommend setting up no more that two pulls a day per query in order to not slow down your site.
The mapping will be from a query to a custom module (typical names for custom modules are "Agents", "Family Homes", "Lots and Land", etc.).
Debugging Import Issues
What to do when there's data missing in Freedom after being imported from the RETS feed.
- Go to the RETS module > Queries tab > edit a query, check the edit page for a "Invalid Credentials" Error. If this error is here, the username/password needs to be updated in the Servers tab.
- Go to the RETS module > Servers tab > Logs subtab, look for any log records that mention a crash or an error. Share any error messages here with the Customer Care team.
Note: can be used to test RETS credentials.